Chiropractic has a long and colorful history. From its beginnings in the hands of a Magnetic Healer called DD Palmer, the profession defended itself against the established and aggressive medical model by being a maverick almost evangelic group.
DD Palmer developed the chiropractic theory and method from a variety of sources, including medical manipulation, bone-setting and osteopathy, as well as incorporating unique aspects of his own design.
The term “chiropractic”, derived from Greek roots to mean “done by hand”, originated with Palmer and was coined by a patient, the Reverend Samuel H. Weed.
Chiropractic developed in the US during a period of significant reformation in medical training and practice. At the time, there was a great variety of treatment options, both within conventional medicine and among innumerable other alternative health care approaches.
Today in Australia, Chiropractic is taught in the university system and has been legislated in parliament since 1978. Chiropractic students spend 5 years and thousands of hours studying anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, pathology, diagnosis and a variety of treatment modalities.
Today’s Chiropractor should be…
In 2005, the ‘chiropractic subluxation’ was defined by the World Health Organisation as “a lesion or dysfunction in a joint or motion segment in which alignment, movement integrity and/or physiological function are altered, although contact between joint surfaces remains intact. It is essentially a functional entity, which may influence biomechanical and neural integrity.”
Unfortunately the Chiropractic term SUBLUXATION is a historical artifact and has created large amounts of confusion with other healthcare professionals. The medical profession use it to describe something less than a dislocation.
Chiropractor have historically and often falsely used the term Subluxation to describe a misalignment of the spine which can have a major health consequences via interferring with the nervous system and the Inate.
At this Clinic and from the majority of evidence base Chiropractors you will hear terms like Dysfunction, Locking etc to describe where a spinal segment may lose part of its normal motion, which can involve changes in muscular tone, cause ligamentous stress, regional inflammatory changes and nervous system changes to the 1000’s of nerve receptors in the tissues.
Chiropractic practice emphasizes the conservative management of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Biopsychosocial causes and consequences are also significant factors in management of the patient.
As primary‐contact health care practitioners, chiropractors recognize the importance of referring to other health care providers when it is in the best interests of the patient.